Food for the body is not enough.
There must be food for the soul.
Dorothy Day
The CAFE: Seasonal, Organic & Local
The Cafe side of the Scorcher is where the seasons are most keenly felt: Wild crafted nettle soup in March, local heirloom tomatoes and cucumbers in August, black bean pumpkin chili in November, roasted vegetable borscht in February.
As the wheel of the year moves, so does our menu. When tomatoes are in season we offer them in a dozen different ways, and then just as the cooks begin to groan whenever they see one of the tomato farmers walk in the door, a killing frost arrives giving us an opportunity to start relishing the newly sweetened kale as we say goodbye to tomatoes until next year.
Our food makes its way full circle when our farmers come to pick up organic compost for their farms and laying hens. From our cloth napkins to compostable packaging, we hope you'll feel our commitment to supporting our local food system and feeding you wholesome foods while working as sustainably as possible.
Come in and linger over your Sunday New York Times this weekend.